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Jordon S. Beckler, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor, Geochemistry and Geochemical Sensing Lab
FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | 5600 US-1 N, Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 

Current as of Feb. 16, 2021
I. Earned Degrees
B.S. Earth & Atmospheric Sciences 2001-2006 Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D. Earth & Atmospheric Sciences 2007-2014 Georgia Institute of Technology 
Chemical Oceanography (focus), Inorganic Chemistry (minor)

II. Employment History
2015 – present Courtesy Faculty, U. South Florida Sarasota-Manatee
2015 – 2016 Mote Marine Laboratory, Staff Scientist
2016 – 2018 Mote Marine Laboratory, Program Manager, Ocean Technology Research Program
2018 – present Assistant Research Professor, FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, joint w/ Institute for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering (I-SENSE)
2018 – present Affiliate Faculty, FAU Dep’t. of Geosciences
2019 – present Affiliate Faculty, FAU Dep’t. of Ocean and Mech. Engineering
2019 – present Affiliate Faculty, FAU Dep’t. of Biology  
III. Honors, Awards, and Certifications
2016 National Academies of Sci., Eng, & Med. Gulf Research Program Early Career Fellow
2018 Federal Motorboat Operator Certification Course (MOCC)
2015 Travel Grant, 8th Symposium on Harmul Algae in the U.S
2015 Teledyne Webb Slocum Glider Certified Pilot, Bermuda
2013 Best student pres., ACS: “Biogeochemical Transformations of Transition Elements” session
2012 Graduate Student Travel Award
2008 John Bradshaw award (for expertise in a variety of analytical techniques, Georgia Tech)
2006 Georgia Tech Undergraduate Research Travel Award
IV. Summary of Faculty Administrative Experience
2020 FAU Water Analyses Core Facility Director
2020- Director, Harmful Algal Bloom Assessment of Lake Okeechobee (HALO)
2018- Principle Investigator, Geochemistry and Geochemical Sensing Lab
Staff supervised
not including students and postdocs (instead included in section V):
Lynn Wilking Chemical Coordinator full time 2020-
Jessica Carney Biogeochem. Coordinator full time 2020-
Mason Thackston Technician full time 2020-
V. Education and Mentorship
A. Courses Taught
Spring 2021 FAU OCC-6050 Chemical Oceanography (entire class) 23 Students
Fall 2019 FAU OCE-6050 Biological & Chemical Oceanography (Co-instructed Chemical Oceanography portion) 16 students
Spring 2013 Georgia Tech Environmental Field Methods (Teaching Assistant) ~10 students
Spring 2012 Georgia Tech Environmental Field Methods (Teaching Assistant) ~10 students
Spring 2011 Georgia Tech Environmental Field Methods (Teaching Assistant) ~10 students
Fall 2010 Georgia Tech Earth Processes (Lab TA) ~25 students
Fall 2009 Georgia Tech Earth Processes (Lab TA) ~25 students
Fall 2008 Georgia Tech Thermodynamics of Earth Systems (Lecture TA) ~30 students
B. Academic and Career Advising and Guidance Responsibilities
B.1. FAU Undergraduate Mentoring Program
1. Mia D’Amelia Undergrad. Dep. Biology FAU Mentoring Project 2018
C. Research Advising and Guidance
C1. Thesis students (FAU)
DNG indicates a student did not graduate. 

3. Matthew Quinan Masters Marine Sci. & and Oceanography Start Fall 2020
Project title (tent.): “Iron-driven degradation of hydrocarbons in marine sediments”
Significant Fellowships: Rotary Club Drittenbas Fellowship ($5k, 2020)

2. Savannah Hottel Masters Marine Sci. & and Oceanography Start Fall 2020 (DNG)
Project title (tent.): “Benefits of sediment iron content on marine vegetation (including edible sea vegetables)”

1. Andrew Stancil Masters Ocean and Mechanical Eng. Start Spr. 2019 (DNG) 
Project title (tent.): “Designing benthic landers for geochemical exploration”
C2. Non-thesis students
24. Emerick Gilliams Undergrad. U. Florida Renewable Energy NSF REU 2020
Project title: “Low cost miniature sediment microbial fuel cells”
Currently: Beckler Lab
23. Lisa Nguyen Undergrad. FAU Intern 2020
Project title: “Designing microfluidic circuits for in situ iron analyses”
Currently: Beckler Lab
22. Stacy O’kai Undergrad. Christian Brothers U. I-SENSE NSF REU 2019
Project title: “Designing a benthic lander for shallow water geochemical measurements”
Currently: Christian Brothers U.
21. Savannah Hottel Undergrad. Christian Brothers U. Link Intern 2019
Project title: “Improving seagrass growth via sediment iron amendments”
Currently: unknown
20.   Hung Nguyen Undergrad. Keck Institute Link Intern 2019-2020
Project title: “Using heavy metals to fingerprint whale geographical ranges”
Currently: Keck Institute
19.   Charles Palma Undergrad. U. Miami Intern 2019
Project title: “Inferring remora adhesion to AUVs from glider diagnostic data”
Currently: unknown
18.   Lyubov Denissova Undergrad. FAU Intern 2018-2019
Project title: “Designing microfluidic circuits for oceanographic analysis”
Currently: unknown
17.   Ashton Woods Undergrad. FAU Intern 2018
Project title: “Designing a database for environmental data management”
Currently: unknown
16.   Zachary Wilhelm Undergrad. U. Utah I-SENSE REU 2018 
Project title: “Individually addressable multielectrode arrays for geochemical analyses”  
Currently: unknown
15.   Allyson Carpenter Undergrad. Purdue U. Link Intern 2018
Project title: “Development of a new metric for seagrass restoration”
Currently: unknown
14.   Gabriel Rey High School (Cardinal Mooney) Intern 2018
Project title: “Developing a mud microbial fuel cell”
Currently: Stetson University undergraduate
13.   Kerry Dykens Undergrad. Wentworth Inst. Tech. Intern 2017
Project title: “Optimization of fluidics for an optical device to detect Karenia brevis”
Currently: U. Maine Ph.D. student
12.   Andrew Stancil Undergrad. U. S. Florida USFSM Intern 2017
Project title: “Development of HPLC techniques for in situ brevetoxin analysis”
Currently: Beckler Lab
11.   John Steponick Undergrad. Ohio St. U. NSF REU Intern 2017
Project title: “Linking fish juvenile fish behavior with tidal exchanges in a small estuary”
Currently: unknown
10.   Nick Hukriede Undergrad. U. Washington Intern 2017
Project title: “Developing a fish tag motion sensor”
Currently: Startup ocean biology company
9.   Emily (Buckley) Van Buren Undergrad. U. S. Florida USFSM Intern 2017
Project title: “Sources and speciation of blackwater river iron”
Currently: Ph.D student @ U. TX Arlington (Mydlarz lab)
8.   Arielle O’Brien Undergrad. U. S. Florida USFSM Intern 2016
Project title: “Monitoring phosphate release from blackwater estuary sediments”
Currently: unknown
7.   Benjamin Carothers Undergrad. New College of FL. USFSM Intern 2016
Project title: “Designing operating system for Optical algal monitoring instruments”
Currently: Wevolver, Inc.
6.   Alex Witter Undergrad. New College of F L. Intern 2016
Project title: “Seeking evidence of Karenia brevis in sediments”
Currently: unknown
5.   Halle Fields Undergrad. U. Miami Intern 2016
Project title: “Designing inexpensive CTD ocean sensors for STEM outreach”
Currently: Federal Reserve
4.   Phillip Tran Undergrad U. Maryland NSF-REU Intern 2016
Project title: “Optimization of fluidics for an optical device to detect Karenia brevis”
Currently: Georgia Tech Ph.D. program
3.    Wen Cong Undergrad. Stoney-brook Intern 2016
Project title: “Development of HPLC techniques for in situ brevetoxin analysis”
Currently: unknown
2.   Sean Jones Undergrad. St. Leo U. Intern 2015
Project title: “Extent of iron in Florida blackwater river sediments”
Currently: Amec Foster Wheeler Consultants
1.   Nathan Caplan Undergrad. Binghamton U. Intern 2015
Project title: “Development of HPLC techniques for in situ brevetoxin analysis”
Currently: Johns Hopkins Master’s in Data Analytics program
C3. Thesis/doctoral students committees (Beckler not primary advisor)

1. Laura Issac Masters Marine Sci. & Oceanography Defended Spring 2020
Project title: “Increasing Egg Production to Assist in the Restoration of Queen Conch Populations in The Bahamas” (lead advisor Dr. Megan Davis)
2. Wenqiang Xi Ph.D. Ocean Engineering Proposing Spring 2020
Project title: “Developing an autonomous SWATH-Sail vessel for long-during Arctic Monitoring”
3. Chris Johnson Ph.D. Integrative Biology Defending Summer 2021
Project title: “Sulfide toxicity to seagrass in Florida Bay”
4. Greer Babbe Ph.D. Integrative Biology Proposing Spring 2021
Project title: “Sponge community biogeochemical characteristics (TBD)”

5. Ryan Bos Ph.D. Integrative Biology Defending Spring 2021
Project title: “Environmental degradation of microplastics (TBD)”
C4. Postdoctoral Research Associates

Veronica Ruiz-Xomchuk Degree: Physical Oceanography, TAMU Advisor: Rob Hetland 2020-
FAU Project title: “HALO: Harmful Algal Bloom Assessment of Lake Okeechobee”
Tracey Schafer Degree: Soil Science, UF Advisor: Todd Osborne 2020
FAU Project title: “HALO: Harmful Algal Bloom Assessment of Lake Okeechobee”
D. Educational Innovations and Other Contributions
1. Developed, conducted, and published curriculum for a semester-long Ocean Observing Technology Club at Mote Marine Laboratory for ~20 high school students. (2016)
VI. Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities
Peer-reviewed publications: 15 published or in press, 1 in review
Google Scholar h-index = 7; i10 index = 5 for 196 citations.
Note: my policy is to give students and post-docs first-authorship if they wrote the first draft of the manuscript with myself as last and corresponding author, as is common practice in chemical sciences.
*next to item number indicates work led at FAU. 
Bold font indicates Beckler group student author. 
PD indicates Beckler group postdoc author. 
G indicates Beckler group graduate student author. 
UG indicates Beckler group undergraduate author (internal to institution). 
REU indicates Beckler group Research Experience for Undergrad. author (external to institution). 
HS indicates high school student author. 
* after name indicates corresponding authorship
A. Published Books, Book Chapters, and Edited Volumes

A1. Books
No data

A2. Refereed Book Chapters
No data

A3. Edited Volumes
No data

B. Refereed Publications and Submitted Articles

B1. Journal articles in prep or in review

18.* Beckler, J.S.*, Buckley, E.REU, Santoianni, D., Jones, S.T.REU, O’brien, A.D.REU,  Dykens, K.REU, Gadekin, K.,  Stancil, A.REU, Taillefert, M., Milbrandt, E. Increasing hurricane intensities increase the availability of bioavailable nutrient Fe to the West Florida Shelf. Limnology and Oceanography, near submission.
17.* Beckler, J.S.*, Owings, S., Buckley, E.REU, Eitel, E., Brethaus, L., Metzger, E., Rabouille, C., Taillefert, M. Iron complexation control the absorption characteristics of CDOM in near-surface sediments of river-dominated continental shelves. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Sciences, near submission.
16.* Quinan, M.G, Vasco, C., Beckler, J.S.* Design and demonstration of a novel sediment core extruder allowing efficient anaerobic processing. MethodsX (Elsevier), submitted Jan. 2021.

B2. Published or In Press Journal Articles 

15. Patin, N.V.*, Dietrich, Z., Stancil, A.G, Quinan, M.G, Beckler, J.S., Hall, E., Culter, J., Taillefert, M., Stewart, F.J. Gulf of Mexico blue hole harbors high levels of microbial lineages. ISME: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology, in press expected Feb. 2021
14. Rabouille, C., Lansard, B., Owings, S.M., Rabalais, N.N., Bombled, B., Metzger, E., Richirt, J., Eitel, E.E., Boever, A.D., Beckler, J.S., Taillefert, M. Early diagenesis in the hypoxic and acidified zone of the northern Gulf of Mexico: is organic matter recycling in sediments disconnected from the water column? Front. Mar. Sci., in press expected Feb. 2021.
13. Owings, S.*, Brethaus, L., Eitel, E., Fields, B.P., Boever, A., Beckler, J.S., Bombled, B., Lansard, B., Metzger, E., Rabouille, C., Taillefert, M. 2020. Differential manganese and iron recycling and transport in continental margin sediments of the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Chemistry, 229. 
12. Hall, E.R.*, Culter, J., Beckler, J.S., Taillefert, M., Stewart, F.J., Smith, C. 2020. Development of Innovative Techniques for Exploring Novel Submarine Springs on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf. Oceanography, 33(1) Supplement, 96. 
11. Eitel, E.E.*, Owings, S., Belli, K., Beckler, J.S., Williams, A., Fields, B., Brown, M., Craig, J. Studebaker, O.B., Nuzzio, D., Taillefert, M. 2020. Iron flux and speciation in continental margin sediments not dominated by major upwelling or riverine inputs. Marine Chemistry, 220. 
10.* Beckler, J.S.*, Arutunian, E., Currier, R.D., Milbrandt, E., Duncan, S. 2019. Harmful algae bloom monitoring via a sustainable, sail-driven mobile platform for coastal monitoring. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, article 587. 
9.* Beckler, J.S.*, Gray, K., Carothers, B.REU, Fields, H.REU, Currier, B., Schloesser, R. 2018. Incorporating ocean-observing low-cost oceanographic sensors an Outreach Club for high-school students and teachers. Current: Journal of Marine Education, 2018 Winter General Issue.
8. Taillefert, M.*, Beckler, J.S., Cathalot, C., Michalopoulos, P., Corvaisier, R., Kiriazis, N., Caprais, J.C., Pastor, L., Rabouille, C. 2017. Early diagenesis in the sediments of the Congo deep-sea fan dominated by massive terrigenous deposits: Part II – Iron-sulfur coupling. Deep Sea Research II, 142, 125-138.
7. Rabouille, C.*, Olu-Le Roy, K., Baudin, F., Khripounoff, A., Dennielou, B., Arnaud-Haon, S., Babobbeau, N., Bayle, C., Beckler, J., Bessette, S., Cathalot, C., Droz, L., Godfroy, A., Hourdez, S., Martinez, P., Michalopoulous, P., Pozzato, L., Pruski, A, Ragueneau, O., Raimonet, M., Stetten, E., Taillefert, M., Tisnerat-Laborde, N., Toffin, L. 2017. The Congolobe project, a multidisciplinary study of Congo deep-sea fan lobe complex: Overview of methods, strategies, observations, and sampling. Deep Sea Research II, 142, 7-24.
6. Churnside, J.H.*, Marchbanks, R.D., Lembke, C., Beckler, J.S. 2017. Optical Backscattering by airborne lidar and underwater glider. Journal of Remote Sensing, 9(4), 379.
5. Beckler, J.S. *, Rabouille, C., Stewart, F.J., Taillefert, M. 2016. Importance of microbial iron reduction in deep sediments of river dominated continental margins. Marine Chemistry 178, 22-34.
4. Beckler, J.S.*, Jones, M.E., Taillefert, M.* 2015. The origin, composition, and reactivity of dissolved iron(III) complexes in coastal organic- and iron-rich sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 152, 72.
3. Beckler, J.S.*, Nuzzio, D., Taillefert, M. 2014. Development of single-step liquid chromatography methods with UV detection for the measurement of major anions in marine waters. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 12, 563.
2. Jones, M.E.*, Beckler, J.S., Taillefert, M. 2011. The flux of soluble organic-iron(III) complexes from sediments represents a source of stable iron(III) to estuarine waters and to the continental shelf.  Limnology and Oceanography 56, 1811.
1. Taillefert, M,* Beckler, J.S., Carey, E., Burns, J.L.; Fennessey, C.M.; DiChristina, T.J. 2007. Shewanella putrefaciens produces an Fe(III)-solubilizing organic ligand during anaerobic respiration on insoluble Fe(III) oxides.  Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 101, 1760.
C. Presentations 
C1. Invited presentations
2020 (November 20) FAU Chemistry Department, Boca Raton, FL.
2020 (January 22) FAU Research Café. Boca Raton, FL.
2018 (November 26) FAU Ocean & Mechanical Engineering Dep’t. Boca Raton, FL.
2018 (October 19) FAU Geosiences Colloquium, Boca Raton, FL.
2018 (September 25) Ohio State University, webinar.
2018 (May 4) Florida chapter of the American Chemical Society (FAME, Keynote), Palm Harbor, FL.
2018 (February 27) Ohio State University, webinar.
2017 (November 30) Florida Atlantic University, (interview talk), Boca Raton, FL.
2017 (October 20) Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
2017 (April 12) Florida Engineering Society, Sarasota, FL.
2017 (March 20) Mote, Volunteers General meeting. Sarasota, FL.
2017 (March 15) World Oceans Day, Tallahassee, FL.
2017 (March 10) Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Melbourne, FL.
2016 (November 9) Mote Marine Science Class for Volunteers, Sarasota, FL.
2016 (June 15) Mote, Presentation to NSF-REU students, Sarasota, FL.
2016 (May 12) Mote Trustee Retreat, Boca Grande, FL.
2016 (April 22) Cardinal Mooney High School, Teacher workshop. Sarasota, FL.
2016 (April 1) Mote, Florida Naturalist Class, Sarasota, FL.
2016 (January 7) Mote, Volunteer Board Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
2015 (December 3) Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation, Sanibel, FL.
2015 (October 8) Mote, Volunteers General meeting. Sarasota, FL.
2015 (September 17) GCOOS Board of Directors Meeting, St. Petersberg, FL.
2015 (February 9) Mote Marine Lab, Ocean Technology Program (interview talk), Sarasota, FL. 
2014 (December 16). SRI International. Marine and Space Sensing Division, St. Petersburg, FL.
2014 (July 8). Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, GA.
C2. General presentations

Gilliams, E.REU and Beckler, J.S. Benthic Microbial Fuel Cells. Summer NSF REU Site: Marine Renewable Energy. Final presentations, 2020, Boca Raton, FL.
Taillefert, M., Eitel, E.M., Beckler, J.S., Owings, S.M., Meiggs, D.J., Nuzzio, D.B. 2020. Coupling In Situ Depth Profiles of Redox Species with Benthic Flux Measurements to Quantify Carbon Remineralization Processes in Marine Sediments. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, San Diego, CA.
Beckler, J.S., Owings S.M., Eitel, E.M., Metzger, E., Stancil, A.G, Rabouille, C., Taillefert, M. 2020. Iron diagenesis controls CDOM sedimentary accumulation and optical properties in near-surface sediments of river-dominated continental shelves. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, San Diego, CA.
Owings, S.*, Brethaus, L., Eitel, E., Fields, B.P., Boever, A., Beckler, J.S., Metzger, E., Bombled, B., Richert, J.,  Lansard, B., Rabouille, C., Taillefert, M. 2020. Effect of Sediment Inputs from the Mississippi River on Diagenetic Processes Across the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Continental Margin. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, San Diego, CA.
Rabouille, C., Lansard, B., Owings, S.M., Bombled, B. Metzger, E., Brethous, L., Eitel, E.M., Beckler, J.S., Taillefert, M. 2020. Early Diagenesis in Hypoxic Zones of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: a Disconnection Between Water Column and Sediment Reactivities. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, San Diego, CA.
Quinan, M.G, Martinez-Colon, M., Aeppli, C., Beckler, J.S. 2020. Do Sediment Iron Concentrations Affect the Rate of Hydrocarbon Degradation? ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, San Diego, CA.
Patin, N., Dietrich, Z., Hall, E.R., Beckler, J.S., Stewart, F.J. 2020. Woesearchaeal metagenome-assembled genome informs its role in blue hole water column and sediments. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, San Diego, CA.
Beckler, J.S.; Milbrandt, E. 2019. Is enhanced discharge from extreme storms increasing coastal Fe and Karenia brevis blooms? Florida Harmful Algal Bloom State of the Science Symposium, St. Pete, FL.
Beckler, J.S., Stancil, A.G; Carpenter, A.REU; Hart, J.; Hanisak, M.D., Taillefert, M. 2019. Geochemical roles for sediment iron oxides in protecting wetland water quality. American Chemical Society Fall meeting, San Diego, CA.
Stancil, A.G; Carpenter, A.REU; Hart, J.; Hanisak, M.D.; Beckler, J.S. 2019. Can iron minerals protect seagrass from mortality stemming from urbanization? American Chemical Society Fall meeting, San Diego, CA.
Stancil, A.G; Carpenter, A.REU; Hart, J.; Hanisak, M.D.; Beckler, J.S. 2019. Contributions of sediment mineralogy to the resilience of seagrass beds. OceanVisions2019 Summit, Atlanta, GA.
Beckler, J.S., Culter, J., Hall, E., Stancil, A.G, Taillefert, M., Stewart, F., Smith, C. 2019. Blueholes as hotspots of ocean deoxygenation and acidification. OceanVisions2019 Summit, Atlanta, GA.
Stancil, A.G; Carpenter, A.REU; Hart, J.; Hanisak, M.D.; Beckler, J.S. 2019. Contributions of sediment mineralogy to the resilience of seagrass beds. Southeastern Biogeochemical Symposium, Columbia, SC.
Beckler, J.S. 2019. Extending Soil Conservation to the Sea: Marine Sediments as the Next Frontier! Harbor Branch Ocean Science Lecture Series, Ft. Pierce, FL.
Stancil, A.G, Carpenter, A.REU, Hart, J., Hanisak, M.D., Beckler, J.S. 2019. Should We Look to the Sediments for Insights Regarding Future Seagrass Recovery in the IRL? Indian River Lagoon Symposium, Ft Pierce, FL
Beckler, J.S., Buckley, E.REU, Owings, S., Eitel, E., Brethaus, L. Rabouille, C., Taillefert, M. 2018. Sediment-derived CDOM: Biogeochemical generation and water column influences. Ocean Optics Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Beckler, J.S. 2018. Mud and you: are you underappreciating the role of sediments in your research? Harbor Branch Seminar Series, Ft. Pierce, FL.
Beckler, J.S., Buckley, E.REU; Santioanni, D.; Jones, S.; O’Brien, A.REU; Hall, E.; Yanuskiewicz, E.; Taillefert, M.; Milbrandt, E.  2018. Elevated Nutrient Iron Discharges to the Coastal Ocean Following Extreme Precipitation Events. FAU Division of Research Showcase, Boca Raton, FL.  
Beckler, J.S., Gray, K., Carothers, B.REU, Fields, H.REU, Currier, B., Schloesser, R.  2018. Engaging Regional High-school Teachers and Students through an Ocean Observing Technology Club. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.
Beckler, J.S., Buckley, E.REU, Taillefert, M., Milbrandt, E. Iron-Mediated Fluxes in Blackwater Rivers. 2018. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.
Taillefert, M., Eitel, E.E., Meiggs, J.J., Owings, S.M., Beckler, J.S., Nuzzio, D.B. 2018. New benthic landers to quantify simultaneously benthic fluxes and depth profiles of the main redox species involved in diagenetic processes in situ. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.
Owings, S.M., Eitel, E.M., Beckler, J.S., Fields, B.P., Boever, A., Rabouille, C., Taillefert, M.  2018. Effect of the Redox State of the Water Column on Biogeochemical Processes in Marine Sediments Exposed to Large Riverine Inputs. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.
Eitel E.M., Owings, S.M., Belli, K.M, Beckler, J.S., Jones, M.E., Williams, A., Fields, B.J., Boever, A., Brown, M., Craig, J., Studebaker, O., Nuzzio, D.B., Taillefert, M. 2018. Iron Flux and Speciation in Continental Margin Sediments Not Dominated by Riverine Inputs. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.
Beckler, J.S., Jones, S.REU, O’brien, A.REU, Taillefert, M.,, Milbrandt, E. 2017. Importance of Fe-Mediated Processes in Blackwater River Estuarine Sediments. Goldschmidt Geochemical Conference, Paris, France.
Beckler, J.S., Currier, B., Howard, M., Lafferty, A., Kirkpatrick, B. 2017. Increased efficiency of glider operations through partnership with an IOOS regional association. IOOC Underwater Glider Workshop, Stennis, MS.
Beckler, J.S., Eitel, E., Owings, S., Sekar, R., DiChristina, T.J., Taillefert, M. 2017. Potential for iron-driven degradation of hydrocarbon in sediments near the Macondo blowout. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Beckler, J.S., Kirkpatrick, G, Dixon, L.K., Milbrandt, E. Using high frequency CDOM hyper-spectral absorption to fingerprint river water sources. 2016. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
Beckler, J.S., Carothers, B.REU, Dixon, L.K., Henderson, K., Hillier, J., Kalmanovich, G., Kirkpatrick, G., Lafferty, A., Milbrandt, E., Schofield, O., Turner, J.. 2016. The Optical Phytoplankton Discriminator: functional enhancements and new applications. Ocean Optics Conference. Victoria, BC, Canada.
Beckler, J.S., Kirkpatrick, G., Milbrandt, E., Dixon, L.K. 2016. Long-term, in situ measurements of CDOM spectral-absorption and fluorescence in estuarine and coastal environments. Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Taillefert, M, Beckler, J.S., Eitel, E., Owings, S., Craig, J., Fields, B., Cathalot, C., Rassmann, J., Bombled, B., Courvasisier, R., Michalopoulos, P., Nuzzio, D.B., Rabouille, C. 2016. Importance of microbial iron reduction in river-dominated continental margin sediments. Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Beckler, J.S., Dixon, L.K., Corcoran, A., Hubbard, K., Garret, M., Lovko, V., Vreeland, J., Henschen, K., Markley, L., Murasko, S., Shapiro, J., Kirkpatrick, G. 2015. Spatial heterogeneity in the surface expression of a Karenia brevis bloom in the eastern Gulf Of Mexico. 8th Symposium on Harmul Algae in the U.S., Long Beach, CA.
Beckler, J.S., Eitel, E., Taillefert, M. 2015. Characterization of iron-binding organic ligands in marine sediment pore waters.  Southeastern Biogeochemical Symposium, Atlanta, GA.
Beckler J.S., Cathalot, C., Kiriazis, N., Rabouille, C., Taillefert, M. 2014. Spatial distribution of biogeochemical processes in submarine canyons dominated by massive terrigenous deposits. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI.
Nuzzio, D.B., Taillefert, M., Beckler J.S.  2014. Novel isocratic ion- chromatographic method for the determination of major anions in marine systems. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI.
Kusel, K., Hadrich, A., Beckler, J., Taillefert, M. 2013. Humics accelerate microbial Fe(II) oxidation. Monte Verita Conference on Iron Biogeochemistry, Ascona, Switzerland.
Beckler J.S., Taillefert, M. 2013. Arsenic-promoted dissolution of iron oxides by iron reduction bacteria. 2013 12th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Athens, GA.
Beckler, J.S., Rabouille, C., Stewart, F.J., Taillefert, M. 2013. Formation of Soluble Fe(III) in Sedimentary Environments. 245th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Taillefert, M., Beckler, J.S., Caban-Medero, R.D.  2012. Effect of low arsenic concentrations on microbial iron reduction in freshwater sediments.  244th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Nuzzio, D.J., Beckler, J.S., Taillefert, M. 2012. A new in-situ instrument for the simultaneous collection of voltammetric and chromatographic data in marine environments. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Beckler, J.S., Nuzzio, D.J., Taillefert, M. 2012. Development of an anion-exchange technique for in-situ high pressure liquid chromatography measurements of major anions in marine waters. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 
Taillefert, M., Beckler, J.S., Chow, S.S., Caban-Medero, R.D. 2011. Effect of Low Arsenic Concentrations on Microbial Iron Reduction in Freshwater Sediments.  221st ACS Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Taillefert, M., Chow, S.S., Beckler, J.S. 2010. Effect of arsenic on microbial iron reduction and arsenic speciation in an iron-rich, freshwater sediment. Goldschmidt Conference, Knoxville, TN.
Dean, C., Beckler, J.S., Taillefert, M. 2009. The influence of Spartina Alterniflora on iron cycling in an intertidal salt marsh. Georgia Chapter of American Chemical Society HMURS, Atlanta, GA.
Taillefert, M., Beckler, J.S., Jones, M.E., Meiggs, D. 2008. Biogeochemical processes controlling the release of iron from marine sediments.  236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Jones, M.E., Beckler, J.S., Taillefert, M. 2008. Satilla River estuary sediments provide a source of soluble organic iron(III) complexes to overlying water.  4th Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Taillefert, M., Meiggs, D., Bristow, G., Beckler, J.S., Jones, M.E., Salome, K., Wilson, P., Wu, H. 2007. Role of Iron in the Remineralization of Carbon in Coastal Marine Sediments.  Estuarine Research Federation 19th International Conference, Providence, RI.
Beckler, J.S., Taillefert, M. 2007. Characterization of soluble organic-iron(III) complexes in the Satilla River using HP-SEC UV spectrophotometry.   75th Gordon Conference in Chemical Oceanography, Tilton, NH.
Jones, M.E., Beckler, J.S., Taillefert, M. 2007. Quantification and characterization of soluble FeIII complexes in coastal sediments by competitive ligand equilibration – adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (CLE-ACSV).  75th Gordon Conference in Chemical Oceanography, Tilton, NH.
Beckler, J.S., Fennessey, C.M., Jones, M.E., Burns, J.L., DiChristina, T.J., and Taillefert, M. 2007. Soluble organic-ironIII complexes are intermediates in the reduction of iron oxides by Shewanellla putrefaciens. Geological Society of America 56th Southeastern Regional Meeting, Savannah, GA.
Taillefert, M., Bristow, G. Schur, J., Meiggs, D., Beckler, J.S.  2006. Quantifying organic carbon remineralization rates in coastal marine sediments using an in-situ approach.  13th Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI.
D. Grants and Contracts
D.1 Proposals or grants pending or in preparation
Title of Project: Exploring the living environment and food sources of deep-sea coral ecosystems using advanced technology
Agency/Company: NOAA OER
Stage: Full proposal pending
Total Dollar Amount: $643k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Mingshun Jiang (PI, FAU HBOI), John Reed (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Aditya Nayak (Co-PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2021-2022 
Candidate’s Share: ~$90k

Title of Project: Observing in situ processes at the nanoscale
Agency/Company: NSF MRI
Stage: Full proposal pending
Total Dollar Amount: ~$1.5M
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Vivian Merk (PI, FAU), Sarah Du (Co-PI, FAU), Mike Kim (Co-PI, FAU)
Period of Contract: 2021-2022 
Candidate’s Share: Not specifically funded

Title of Project: Improving the coastal carbon budget: does sediment-derived COD contribute significantly to surface water CDOM in coastal areas?
Agency/Company: NASA MUREP
Stage: LOI submitted, full submission encouraged
Total Dollar Amount: unspecified
Role: PI (intent to transfer PI-ship to postdoc once she is eligible)
Collaborators: Veronica Ruiz Xomchuk (collaborator, FAU), Tim Moore (Co-PI, FAU)
Period of Contract: 2021-2023 
Candidate’s Share: unspecified

Title of Project: Integrating sediment diagenesis in a full scale operational Gulf of Mexico hypoxia model
Agency/Company: NOAA COMT
Stage: Full proposal in preparation (due late Feb. 2021)
Total Dollar Amount: $900k
Role: PI (intent to transfer PI-ship to postdoc once she is eligible)
Collaborators: Veronica Ruiz Xomchuk (collaborator, FAU), D.J. Kobashi (TAMU), Julia Moriarty (UC Boulder)
Period of Contract: 2021-2023 
Candidate’s Share: TBD

D.2 Awarded Grants & Contracts

Title of Project: Florida Center for Coastal and Human Health (Year 3)
Agency/Company: HBOI Foundation
Total Dollar Amount: $850k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Amy Wright (PI, FAU HBOI), Nicholas Dickens (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Adam Schaefer (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Brian Lapointe (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Cynthia Page-Karjian (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Dennis Hanisak (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Esther Guzman (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Gabrielle Barbarite (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Guojun Wang (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Malcolm McFarland (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Matthew Ajemian (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Michael Twardowski (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Mingshun Jiang (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Peter McCarthy (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Timothy Moore (Co-PI, U. New Hampshire)
Period of Contract: 2019-202
Candidate’s Share: ~$40k

Title of Project: Observation and Modeling of Water Transformation and Microcystis blooms in C-44 Canal
Agency/Company: EPA
Total Dollar Amount: $260k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Mingshun Jiang (PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2021-2023
Candidate’s Share: ~$120k

Title of Project: Iron-mediated degradation of organic contaminants in marine sediments 
Agency/Company: Indian River Lagoon Graduate Research Fellowship Program (awarded to my student, Matt Quinan)
Total Dollar Amount: $10,000
Role: Advisor to student
Collaborators: None
Period of Contract: 2020-2021
Candidate’s Share: $10,000 (awarded to student to conduct research in my lab)

Title of Project: Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture System
Agency/Company: HBOI Foundation Aqua License Plate
Total Dollar Amount: ~$220k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Paul Wills (PI, FAU HBOI), Dennis Hanisak (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Mingshun Jiang (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Peter McCarthy (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Shirley Pomponi (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Susan Laramore (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Megan Davis (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Gabrielle Barbarite (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Bing Ouyang (Co-PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2020-2021
Candidate’s Share: ~$15k

Title of Project: Monitoring mercury toxicity in Florida Dolphins
Agency/Company: Florida state license plate proposals, Protect Florida Dolphins
Total Dollar Amount: $120k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Mingshun Jiang (PI, HBOI), Annie Page-Karjian (Co-PI, HBOI), Adam Schaefer (Co-PI, HBOI), Peter McCarthy (Co-PI, HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2020-2021
Candidate’s Share: ~$50k

Title of Project: The Harmful Algal Bloom Assessment of Lake Okeechobee (HALO) 
Agency/Company: Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Total Dollar Amount: ~$2.2M
Role: PI
Collaborators: Dennis Hanisak (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Tim Moore (Co-PI, FAU), Malcolm McFarland (Co-PI, FAU), Barbara Kirkpatrick (Co-PI, GCOOS), Scott Duncan (Co-PI, Navocean), Yufei Tang (Co-PI, FAU), Mingshun Jiang (Co-PI, FAU), Adam Schaefer (Co-PI, FAU), Aditya Nayak (Co-PI, FAU)
Period of Contract: 2020-2022
Candidate’s Share: $~700k
Title of Project: Southern Indian River Lagoon sediment Microcystis populations  
Agency/Company: Martin County, FL
Total Dollar Amount: ~$11k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Malcolm McFarland (PI, HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2020
Candidate’s Share: $5k

Title of Project: REU Site: Marine Renewable Energy
Agency/Company: NSF EEC
Total Dollar Amount: $390k
Role: Collaborator
Collaborators: James VanZweiten (PI, FAU)
Period of Contract: 2020-2022
Candidate’s Share: undecided (allocated funding to support an annual summer intern)

Title of Project: Developing an in situ chemical analyzer for iron analyses 
Agency/Company: FAU Office of Undergraduate Research
Total Dollar Amount: $1,600
Role: PI
Collaborators: Lisa Nguyen (FAU undergraduate student)
Period of Contract: 2020
Candidate’s Share: $1,600

Title of Project: Future water quality and the boating industry 
Agency/Company: Pursuit Boats private donation
Total Dollar Amount: ~$3.6k
Role: PI
Collaborators: None.
Period of Contract: 2019-2020
Candidate’s Share: undecided

Title of Project: Florida Center for Coastal and Human Health, Year 2 (I was not involved in Y1)
Agency/Company: HBOI Foundation
Total Dollar Amount: $850k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Amy Wright (PI, FAU HBOI), Nicholas Dickens (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Adam Schaefer (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Brian Lapointe (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Cynthia Page-Karjian (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Dennis Hanisak (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Esther Guzman (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Gabrielle Barbarite (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Guojun Wang (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Malcolm McFarland (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Matthew Ajemian (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Michael Twardowski (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Mingshun Jiang (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Peter McCarthy (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Timothy Moore (Co-PI, U. New Hampshire)
Period of Contract: 2019-2020
Candidate’s Share: $37.5k

Title of Project: Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture System
Agency/Company: HBOI Foundation Aqua License Plate
Total Dollar Amount: ~$190k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Paul Wills (PI, FAU HBOI), Anni Dalgleish (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Dennis Hanisak (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Mingshun Jiang (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Peter McCarthy (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Shirley Pomponi (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Susan Laramore (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Megan Davis (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Gabrielle Barbarite (Co-PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2019-2020
Candidate’s Share: ~$12k

Title of Project: Exploring Florida whale health in a rapidly changing environment
Agency/Company: HBOI Foundation Protect Florida Whales License Plate
Total Dollar Amount: $167k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Annie Page-Karjian (Co-PI, FAU), Adam Schaefer (Co-PI, FAU), Steve Burton (Co-PI, FAU), Nick Dickens (Co-PI, FAU)
Period of Contract: 2019
Candidate’s Share: ~$32k

Title of Project: Increasing HAB research in Lake Okeechobee and the effects of its discharge waters on creating and enhancing HABs on both coasts.
Agency/Company: 4Ocean 
Total Dollar Amount: $31k
Role: Significant Collaborator 
Collaborators: Jim Sullivan (FAU HBOI), Bill Louda (FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2019
Candidate’s Share: $15k

Title of Project: Is Gulf of Mexico marine benthic ecosystem resilience geochemically coupled to riverine-derived mineral delivery
Agency/Company: National Academy of Sciences Gulf Research Program
Total Dollar Amount: $125k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Michael Martinez-Colon (Co-PI, FAMU), Christophe Aeppli (Co-PI, Bigelow)
Period of Contract: 2018 - 2020
Candidate’s Share: $50k

Project: Development of innovative techniques for exploring novel submarine springs on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf
Agency/Company: NOAA Ocean Exploration Research
Total Dollar Amount: $257k
Role: co-PI (but initially awarded to Beckler as PI, but transferred to Mote b/c Beckler transferred institutes
Collaborators: Emily Hall (PI, Mote Marine Lab), Martial Taillefert (Co-PI, Georgia Tech), Frank Stewart (Co-PI, Georgia Tech), Jim Culter (Co-PI), Chris Smith (Collaborator, USGS)
Period of Contract: 2018 – 2020
Candidate’s Share: $49k

Title of Project: Multidiscipline Capacity Building to Expand Microfluidics for Environmental Monitoring and Data Collection
Agency/Company: FAU I-SENSE seed award
Total Dollar Amount: $31k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Sarah Du (Co-PI, FAU)
Period of Contract: 2018-2019
Candidate’s Share: $20k

Title of Project: Determining new sediment metrics for seagrass restoration monitoring
Agency/Company: HBOI Foundation “Save our Seas” State License Plate
Total Dollar Amount: $35k
Role: Co-PI (submitted w/ Beckler as lead PI but awarded as Co-PI b/c of ineligibility)
Collaborators: Dennis Hanisak (PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2018-2019
Candidate’s Share: $25k

Title of Project: Surface Modifications to Underwater Gliders for the Deterrence of Remoras
Agency/Company: National Academy of Sciences Gulf Research Program
Total Dollar Amount: $25k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Julie Albert (Co-PI, Tulane)
Period of Contract: 2018-2019
Candidate’s Share: $13k

Title of Project: Linking iron fluxes to harmful algae in the Gulf of Mexico
Agency/Company: National Academy of Sciences Gulf Research Program Early Career Fellowship
Total Dollar Amount: $76k
Role: PI
Collaborators: None
Period of Contract: 2016-2018
Candidate’s Share: $75k

Title of Project: Maintenance and Enhancements to an Existing HAB Observatory
Agency/Company: NOAA GCOOS
Total Dollar Amount: $250k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Kellie Dixon (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab), Rich Pierce (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab)
Period of Contract: 2016-2021 (not transferred to FAU b/c difficult geographical logistics)
Candidate’s Share: $200k

Title of Project: FWC/FWRI – Mote Cooperative Red Tide Program
Agency/Company: State of Florida
Total Dollar Amount: $4.1M
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Vince Lovko (PI, Mote Marine Lab), Kellie Dixon, (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab), Rich Pierce (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab)
Period of Contract: 2015-2020 (not transferred to FAU b/c difficult geographical logistics)
Candidate’s Share: $905k

Title of Project: Addition of colorimetric analytical capabilities to the Optical Phytoplankton Discriminator (OPD)
Agency/Company: USFSM-REU Mentoring Program
Total Dollar Amount: $16k
Role: PI
Collaborators: None
Period of Contract: 2017
Candidate’s Share: $16k

Title of Project: Development of a low-cost Sarasota Bay oceanographic sensor network
Agency/Company: Sarasota Bay Estuarine Program
Total Dollar Amount: $1.5k
Role: PI
Collaborators: None
Period of Contract: 2016-2017
Candidate’s Share: $1.5k

Title of Project: Shelf-break water column dynamics and their effects on nearby mesophotic reefs
Agency/Company: University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Internal Funding Competition
Total Dollar Amount: $25k
Role: Co-PI
Period of Contract: 2017-2018
Candidate’s Share: $12k
Title of Project: Interfacing flow-control and spectrophotometer components to a single-board embedded computer for enhancements to Mote’s HAB observatory
Agency/Company: USFSM-REU Mentoring Program
Total Dollar Amount: 
Role: PI
Collaborators: None
Period of Contract: 2016
Candidate’s Share: $19k

Title of Project: Support for an Ocean Observing Technology Outreach Club
Agency/Company: Private donation
Total Dollar Amount: $5k
Role: PI
Collaborators: None
Period of Contract: 2016
Candidate’s Share: $5k

D.3 Proposals Submitted but not Funded

Title of Project: Developing Machine Learning Models for Sediment Health Prediction 
Agency/Company: FAU College of Eng. & Computer Sci. / I-SENSE 2020 SEED Funding Competition 
Total Dollar Amount: $25k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Behnaz Ghoraani (Co-PI, FAU)
Period of Contract: 2020-2021
Candidate’s Share: $15k
Title of Project: Degrading Soil and Groundwater Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons via Innovative Iron-mineralized Biocomposites 
Agency/Company: NIH Innovative Biomaterials
Stage: Submitted April, 2020
Total Dollar Amount: $615k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Vivian Merk (PI, FAU), Sarah Owens (collaborator, Argonne Nat’l. Labs) 
Period of Contract: 12/01/2020-11/30/2023
Candidate’s Share: ~$280k

Title of Project: Effects of Flow Diversions, Increased Storms, and Sea Level Rise on the Coupled Human and Ecosystems in South and Southwest Florida (tentative)
Agency/Company: National Academy of Sciences Gulf Research Program Healthy Ecosystems
Stage: LOI accepted, Full in preparation
Total Dollar Amount: > $1M
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Mingshun Jiang (PI, FAU HBOI), Heidi Dierssen (Co-PI, U. Conn), Marguarite Koch-Rose (Co-PI, FAU), Malcolm McFarland (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Chris Madden (Co-PI, S. FL. Water Mgmt. Dist.), David Rudnick (Co-PI, National Park Service)
Period of Contract: 2020-2023
Candidate’s Share: undecided
Title of Project: Exploration of DSCE food sources, biogeochemistry, and potential for natural product extraction using advanced technology 
Agency/Company: NOAA Ocean Exploration Research
Stage: LOI pending
Total Dollar Amount: $574k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Mingshun Jiang (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Amy Wright (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), John Reed (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Aditya Nayak (Co-PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2020-2022
Candidate’s Share: unspecified
Title of Project: Developing an autonomous underwater vehicle capability to measure in situ hyperspectral absorption from coastal to clear waters 
Agency/Company: NOPP Ocean Technology
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $1.4 M
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Oscar Schofield (PI, Rutgers U.), Steve Ackleson (Co-PI, Naval Research Lab), Clayton Jones (Co-PI, Teledyne Webb Research)
Period of Contract: 2019-2022
Candidate’s Share: $420k

Title of Project: Innovate iron oxide biocomposites for effective nutrient sequestration
Agency/Company: Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Stage: Submitted Dec. 2019
Total Dollar Amount: ~$120k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Vivian Merk (PI, FAU)
Period of Contract: 2020-2021
Candidate’s Share: $60k

Title of Project: Developing a model for benthic-water column coupling in the Northern Indian River Lagoon System
Agency/Company: Florida state license plate proposals, Save Our Seas
Stage: Submission due Feb. 2020
Total Dollar Amount: $100k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Mingshun Jiang (PI, HBOI) 
Period of Contract: 2020-2021
Candidate’s Share: ~$50k

Title of Project: Sediment Health and Resilience Monitoring 
Agency/Company: Keck Foundation
Stage: Phase II submitted May 1, 2020 but must be resubmitted due to clerical error
Total Dollar Amount: $1M
Role: PI
Collaborators: Behnaz Ghoraani (Co-PI, FAU)
Period of Contract: 2021-2024
Candidate’s Share: ~$600k

Title of Project: Development of a chemical analyzer for in situ investigation of contaminants dispersed in glacial environments 
Agency/Company: Army ERDC CRREL
Stage: Full proposal accepted as a response to BAA, but funds never located by DoD
Total Dollar Amount: $797k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Paolo Gabrielli (PI, Ohio State University)
Period of Contract: 2019-2022
Candidate’s Share: $485k

Title of Project: Development of an autonomous surface vehicle for dead zone sensing
Agency/Company: Schmidt Marine Institute
Stage: Letter of Intent declined
Total Dollar Amount: $335k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Scott Duncan (PI, Navocean, Inc.), James Locascio (Co-PI, Mote), Beth Stauffer (Co-PI, U. LA Lafayette)
Period of Contract: 2020
Candidate’s Share: ~$100k

Title of Project: Operationalizing sediment geochemical health monitoring tools 
Agency/Company: NOAA IOOS OTT
Stage: Letter of Intent declined
Total Dollar Amount: $1.2M
Role: PI
Collaborators: Tim Moore (HBOI, Co-PI),  Don Nuzzio (AIS, Inc., Co-PI), Greg Druschel (Co-PI, IUPI), Casey Godwin (Co-PI, U. Mich.), Eric Milbrant (Co-PI, SCCF), Barb Kirkpatrick (Co-PI, GCOOS), Kelli Paige (Co-PI, GLOS)
Period of Contract: 2020-2023
Candidate’s Share: $400k

Title of Project: ECOHAB19: Evaluation of Multiple Initiation Regions for Blooms of the Neurotoxic Dinoflagellate Karenia brevis on the West Florida Shelf
Agency/Company: NOAA ECOHAB
Stage: Full submitted
Total Dollar Amount: $3.67M
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Vincent Lovko (PI, Mote Marine Lab), Sumit Chakraborty (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab), Frank Muller-Karger (Co-PI, U. S. Florida), Yun Li (Co-PI, U. S. Florida), Michael Parsons (Co-PI, Florida Gulf Coast U.), Richard Pierce (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab), Digna Rueda-Roa (Co-PI, U. S. Florida)
Period of Contract: 2019-2024
Candidate’s Share: $571k
Title of Project: A new sediment geochemical health metric for Florida seagrass restoration
Agency/Company: Florida Seagrant
Stage: LOI accepted, Full submitted 
Total Dollar Amount: $192,500
Role: PI
Collaborators: Dennis Hanisak (Co-PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2020-2022
Candidate’s Share: $100k

Title of Project: ECOHAB19: Investigating harmful algal blooms and ecosystem change in an estuary of national importance: the Indian River Lagoon 
Agency/Company: NOAA ECOHAB
Stage: Full submitted
Total Dollar Amount: $5M
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: M. Jiang (PI, FAU HBOI), Laurent Cherubin (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Nicholas Dickens (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Chris Gobler (Co-PI, Stoney-Brook U.), Dennis Hanisak (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Charles Jacoby (Co-PI, SJRWMD), Brian Lapointe (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Malcolm McFarland (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Timothy Moore (Co-PI, U. New Hampshire), Tracy Mincer (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Michael Twardowski (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Guojun Wang (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), and Amy Wright (Co-PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2019-2024
Candidate’s Share: $442k

Title of Project: Mid-scale RI-1: Strategic Monitoring and Resilience Training (SMART) Infrastrcuture
Agency/Company: NSF Mid-scale RI-1
Stage: LOI 
Total Dollar Amount: $20M
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Brian Glazer (Co-PI, U. Hawaii), Kim Cobb (Co-PI, Georgia Tech), Anna Michel (Co-PI, Woods Hole Oceaographic Inst.), and others
Period of Contract: 2020-2025
Candidate’s Share: $4M

Title of Project: Is the poor state of the “benthic buffer” a cause for problems plaguing the IRL?
Agency/Company: HBOI Foundation
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $200k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Mingshun Jiang (PI, FAU HBOI), Malcolm McFarland (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Dennis Hanisak (Co-PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2019-2020
Candidate’s Share: $75k
Title of Project: Impacts of coastal pollution on Oculina coral reefs through offshore transport
Agency/Company: HBOI Foundation
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $35k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Mingshun Jiang (PI, FAU HBOI), Malcolm McFarland (Co-PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2019-2020
Candidate’s Share: $12k
Title of Project: Florida Queen Conch Health and Viability Based on Sediment Geochemical Control
Agency/Company: HBOI Foundation
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $35k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Megan Davis (PI, FAU HBOI), Robert Glazer (Co-PI, FL Fish & Wildlife Commission), Gabriel Delgado (Co-PI, FL Fish & Wildlife Commission)
Period of Contract: 2019-2020
Candidate’s Share: unspecified
Title of Project: Optimization of on-bottom bivalve culture in Florida’s coastal lagoons (Phase 1: habitat characterization)
Agency/Company: HBOI Foundation
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $66k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Matthew Ajemian (PI, FAU HBOI), Laurent Cherubin (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Andia Chavez-Fonnegra (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Susan Laramore (Co-PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2019-2020
Candidate’s Share: unspecified
Title of Project: Long-term changes in ecological stoichiometry on the Florida Reef Tract
Agency/Company: HBOI Foundation
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $99k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Brian Lapointe (PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2019-2020
Candidate’s Share: unspecified
Title of Project: MERHAB19: Development of modeling tools to enhance monitoring and mitigation management of harmful Microcystis blooms in St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries 
Agency/Company: NOAA MERHAB
Stage: LOI
Total Dollar Amount: ~$2M
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Mingshun Jiang (PI, FAU HBOI), Dennis Hanisak (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Brian Lapointe (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Malcolm McFarland (Co-PI, FAU HBOI), Eric Milbrandt (Co-PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2019-2024
Candidate’s Share: unspecified
Title of Project: Coastal Sediment Resilience and Community Connectivity
Agency/Company: National Academies Gulf Research Program Thriving Communities
Stage: LOI
Total Dollar Amount: unspecified
Role: PI
Collaborators: Tracy Mincer (Co-PI, FAU HBOI)
Period of Contract: 2019-2022
Candidate’s Share: unspecified
Title of Project: Enhancing an existing HAB monitoring observation network with multispecies specificity 
Agency/Company: NOAA MERHAB
Stage: LOI
Total Dollar Amount: $900k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Steve Ackleson (Co-PI, Naval Research Lab), Barb Kirkpatrick (Co-PI, GCOOS), Gary Kirkpatrick (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab), Oscar Schofield (Co-PI, Rutgers U.)
Period of Contract: 2019-2022
Candidate’s Share: unspecified
Title of Project: Increasing multi-campus opportunities for applied IoT sensing projects
Agency/Company: FAU Technology Fee
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: ~$25k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Jason Hallstrom (Co-PI, FAU I-SENSE)
Period of Contract: 2019
Candidate’s Share: ~$25k
Title of Project: Developing an Autonomous Capability to Measure in situ Hyperspectral Absorption Spanning Coastal and Clear Water
Agency/Company: NOPP Ocean Technology
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $1.2M
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Oscar Schofield (PI, Rutgers), Steve Ackleson (Co-PI, Naval Research Lab), Barb Kirkpatrick (Co-PI, GCOOS), Gary Kirkpatrick (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab)
Period of Contract: 2019-2022
Candidate’s Share: $375k
Title of Project: Potential for Fenton-degradation of recalcitrant hydrocarbons as a natural attenuation process in marine sediments
Agency/Company: Florida Institute of Oceanography Ship Time proposal
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: 5 days of ship time on the R/V Weatherbird II
Role: PI
Collaborators: Martial Taillefert (Co-PI, Georgia Tech), Christophe Aeppli (Co-PI, Bigelow)
Period of Contract: 2019
Candidate’s Share: N/A
Title of Project: Arctic Under-ice Legged Robot for Long Duration Melting Ice Monitoring and Data Collection
Agency/Company: NSF EAGER Navigating the New Arctic
Stage: LOI
Total Dollar Amount: $300k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Tsung-Show Su (PI, FAU), Erik Engeberg (Co-PI, FAU), Sarah Du (Co-PI, FAU), Hongbo Su (Co-PI, FAU), Bill Louda (Co-PI, FAU) 
Period of Contract: 2018-2020
Candidate’s Share: $30k
Title of Project: Long term, continuous monitoring of soil health with in situ electrochemistry
Agency/Company: NSF SitS EAGER Research Concept Outline
Stage: LOI
Total Dollar Amount: $200k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Behnaz Ghoraani (Co-PI, FAU)
Period of Contract: 2018-2020
Candidate’s Share: $125k
Title of Project: Quantification of IRL internal nutrient loading processes at high frequencies using novel and in situ electrochemical techniques
Agency/Company: Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $56k
Role: PI
Collaborators: None
Period of Contract: 2018-2019
Candidate’s Share: $56k
Title of Project: Fish behavior using acoustic and motion tags
Agency/Company: DARPA Living Sensors
Stage: LOI (Did not submit full proposal)
Total Dollar Amount: unspecified
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Jim Locascio (PI, Mote Marine Lab)
Period of Contract: 2017
Candidate’s Share: N/A
Title of Project: Biogeochemical and faunal responses of a blackwater estuary after an intense hurricane
Agency/Company: NSF RAPID
Stage: LOI
Total Dollar Amount: $150k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Jim Locasio (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab), Emily Hall (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab), Eric Milbrandt (Co-PI, Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation), Frank Stewart (Co-PI, Georgia Tech)
Period of Contract: 2018-2019
Candidate’s Share: unspecified
Title of Project: Increased pressures on coastal ecosystems require new monitoring and modeling approaches to ensure successful seagrass restoration
Agency/Company: National Academies Gulf Research Program Restoration Monitoring
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $800k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Emily Hall (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab), Jen Pazour (Co-PI, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.), Eric Milbrandt (Co-PI, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation), Charles Peterson (Co-PI, UNC Chapel Hill), Christine Voss (Co-PI, UNC Chapel Hill)
Period of Contract: 2017-2019
Candidate’s Share: $250k
Title of Project: Shelf-break water column dynamics: Effects of plankton productivity and distribution
Agency/Company: National Academies Gulf Research Program
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $60k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Diego Figueroa (PI, U. Texas)
Period of Contract: 2018-2019
Candidate’s Share: $20k
Title of Project: The role of bioturbation in altering geophysical, geotechnical, and geochemical properties of northern Gulf of Mexico sediments
Agency/Company: National Academies Gulf Research Program
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $60k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Davin Wallace (PI, U. S. Mississippi), Kelly Dorgan (Co-PI, Dauphin Island Sea Lab), Adam Skarke (Co-PI, Mississippi St.), Ann Cooke (Co-PI, Oklahoma St.)
Period of Contract: 
Candidate’s Share: $10k
Title of Project: Potential for iron-driven hydrocarbon remediation near the Macondo blowout
Agency/Company: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $850k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Martial Taillefert (PI, Georgia Tech), Thomas DiChristina (Co-PI, Georgia Tech), Dana Wetzel (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab)
Period of Contract: 2018-2020
Candidate’s Share: $150k
Title of Project: Discovery, Monitoring and Evaluation of Spawning Habitat Use by Grouper/Snapper in Protected and Unprotected Shelf Edge Areas of the Gulf of Mexico
Agency/Company: National Academies Gulf Research Program Restoration Monitoring
Stage: LOI
Total Dollar Amount: unspecified
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Jim Locasio (PI, Mote Marine Lab)
Period of Contract: 2017-2019
Candidate’s Share: N/A
Title of Project: MANGROWEV: Monitoring and Assessment of Novel Gulf-Coast Restoration Options for Woody Exotic Vegetation
Agency/Company: National Academies Gulf Research Program Restoration Monitoring
Stage: LOI
Total Dollar Amount: unspecified
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Brad Oberle (PI, New College of Florida)
Period of Contract: 2017-2019
Candidate’s Share: N/A
Title of Project: Transition the existing Optical Phytoplankton Discriminator to an operational Slocum glider sensor payload for phytoplankton species, CDOM absorption and inherent optical properties.
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $1.8M
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Barbara Kirkpatrick (PI, GCOOS), Oscar Schofield (Co-PI, Rutgers U.), Clayton Jones (Co-PI, Teledyne Webb Research)
Period of Contract: 2018-2021
Candidate’s Share: $650k
Title of Project: Collaborative Research: Iron dynamics in estuarine sediments and a predictive model for coastal fluxes
Agency/Company: NSF Chemical Oceanography
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $798k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Kellie Dixon (Co-PI, Mote), Martial Taillefert (Co-PI, Georgia Tech), Eric Milbrandt (Co-PI, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation)
Period of Contract: 2017-2020
Candidate’s Share: $250k
Title of Project: Shelf break water column dynamics and their effects on nearby mesophotic reefs
Agency/Company: NOAA Ocean Exploration Research
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $560k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Diego Figeroa (PI, U. Texas), Martial Taillefert (Co-PI, Georgia Tech)
Period of Contract: 2017-2019
Candidate’s Share: $200k
Title of Project: Mapping of reef-spawning behavior and habitat in protected and unprotected shelf-edge areas in the Gulf of Mexico using an autonomous glider
Agency/Company: NOAA-MARFIN
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: , $406k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Jim Locascio (PI, Mote Marine Lab)
Period of Contract: 2017-2020
Candidate’s Share: $200k
Title of Project: Use of Reef-Fish Spawning Habitat in Protected and Unprotected Shelf-Edge Areas in the Gulf of Mexico
Agency/Company: Florida RESTORE
Stage: LOI
Total Dollar Amount: unspecified
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Jim Locascio (PI, Mote Marine Lab)
Period of Contract: 2017-2019
Candidate’s Share: N/A
Title of Project: Long-term, high-frequency, in situ measurements of inherent optical properties of oceanic littoral zone waters using novel instrumentation
Agency/Company: Office of Navl Research Littoral Geoscience and Optics Division
Stage: LOI
Total Dollar Amount: $450k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Kellie Dixon (Co-PI, Mote Marine Lab), Chuanmin Hu (Co-PI, U. S. Florida)
Period of Contract: 2017-2019
Candidate’s Share: $220k
Title of Project: Exploration and characterization of freshwater springs and solution pits on the West Florida Shelf
Agency/Company: NOAA Ocean Exploration Research
Stage: LOI
Total Dollar Amount: unspecified
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Emily Hall (PI, Mote Marine Lab), Strawn Toler (Co-PI, SRI International), Tim Short (Co-PI, SRI International), Lori Adornato (Co-PI, SRI International)
Period of Contract: 2016 – 2017
Candidate’s Share: N/A
Title of Project: Collaborative Research: Dynamics of sediment iron flux in estuaries and influence on coastal biogeochemical processes
Agency/Company: NSF Chemical Oceanography
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $738k
Role: PI
Collaborators: Kellie Dixon (Co-PI, Mote), Martial Taillefert (Co-PI, Georgia Tech), Eric Milbrandt (Co-PI, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation)
Period of Contract: 2016-2018
Candidate’s Share: $290k
Title of Project: Integrating Next-Generation Autonomous Platforms for Phytoplankton and Biotoxin Monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico
Agency/Company: NOAA-GCOOS
Stage: Full
Total Dollar Amount: $278k
Role: Co-PI
Collaborators: Katherine Hubbard (PI, FL Fish and Wildlife Commission), Leanne Flewelling (Co-PI, FL Fish and Wildlife Commission), Don Anderson (Co-PI, Woods Hole Ocean. Inst.), Chris Scholin (Co-PI, MBARI), Greg Doucette (Co-PI, NOAA)
Period of Contract: 2016-2021
Candidate’s Share: $105k
E. Other Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments 
McFarland, M., Nayak, A., Beckler,J.S. 2020, Martin County M. aeruginosa sediment study, Final Report. 
F.  Societal and Policy Impacts
F.1 Testimony before legislative committees
F.2 Media Coverage
Links provided on personal website,

Title of Article: Green Banana could hold answers to Red Tide?
Company: WPEC
Author: Andrew Lofholm
Type: TV
Date published: Feb. 16, 2021

Title of Article: New technology deployed in effort to combat toxic blue-green algae
Company: WPTV
Author: Megan McRoberts
Type: TV
Date published: Dec. 17, 2020

Title of Article: Scientists analyze how to predict when, where algae blooms will occur on Lake Okeechobee
Company: WPTV
Author: John Shainman
Type: TV
Date published: Sep. 11, 2020

Title of Article: Gulf of Mexico Mission: “Ocean Blue Holes Are Not Created Equal”
Company: FAU
Author: Gisele Galastain
Type: TV
Date published: Sep. 23, 2020
Link:  FAU press release

Title of Article: Ron DeSantis sending $5.2M for Lake Okeechobee trough water quality research grants
Company: Florida Daily
Author: unknown
Type: web
Date published: Jul. 28, 2020

Title of Article: There’s a giant ‘Green Banana’ off Florida’s coast, and researchers have finally gotten to the bottom of it
Company: Sun-Sentinel
Author: Chris Perkins
Type: web
Date published: Sep. 29, 2020

Title of Article: Exploración del Green Banana: cómo fue la primera inmersión de uno de los enigmáticos agujeros azules del Golfo de México
Company: BBC World
Author: unknown
Type: web
Date published: Oct. 10, 2020

Title of Article: What’s in This Deep ‘Blue Hole’ Off Florida? They’re Working on It
Company: New York Times
Author: Heather Murphy
Type: web
Date published: Aug. 3, 2020

Title of Article: Scientists Get Ready To Explore A 425-Foot-Deep "Blue Hole" Off Florida's Gulf Coast
Company: DOGOnews
Author: Meera Dolasia
Type: web
Date published: Jul. 28, 2020

Title of Article: Scientists flock to mysterious 'blue hole' off Florida's Gulf Coast
Company: ABC News (national)
Author: Karma Allen
Type: web
Date published: Jul. 22, 2020

Title of Article: Mote Scientists Dive Into the Green Banana, One of the World’s Deep Blue Holes
Company: Sarasota Magazine
Author: Susan Burns
Type: web
Date published: Oct. 31, 2020

Title of Article: Title of Article: Mote Scientists Dive Into the Green Banana, One of the World’s Deep Blue Holes
Company: Tampa Bay Times
Author: Zachary T. Sampson
Type: web
Date published: Jul. 28, 2020

Title of Article: Life we never knew existed could be hiding in deep-sea blue holes, so scientists are diving in
Author: Elizabeth Rayne
Type: web
Date published: Jul. 29, 2020

Title of Article: Blue hole: the strange ocean phenomenon scientists are exploring this month
Company: Inverse
Author: Nina Pulland
Type: web
Date published: Aug. 11, 2020

Title of Article: ‘What could it be?’: You’ve heard of black holes, but what about blue holes?’
Company: Independent
Author: Heather Murphy
Type: web
Date published: Aug. 4, 2020

Title of Article: Could these ‘salt-loving’ edible sea vegetables be the new kale?
Company: FAU News Desk
Author: Gisele Galoustian
Type: Online
Date published: Jun. 11, 2020

Title of Article: Florida’s Blue Holes: Oases of the Sea
Company: South Florida PBS
Author: Multiple
Type: TV Episode (“Changing Seas” series)
Date published: Jun. 24, 2020
Link: None

Title of Article: A “hole new look into Florida’s offshore frontiers
Company: Mote Marine Laboratory Magazine
Author: Hayley Rutger
Type: Magazine 
Date published: Nov. 2019

Title of Article: Beyond the Gulf: Real-Time AUV Tracking
Author: Nadine Slimak
Type: Online 
Date published: Jan. 30, 2019

Title of Article: Solar and Wind-Powered, Algae Tracking Boat Trialed in Florida
Company: Environmental Monitor: A fondriest publication for environmental professionals
Author: Karla Lant
Type: Magazine 
Date published: July 15, 2019

Title of Article: Robotic Sailboat cruises Lake Okeechobee monitoring water quality
Company: Florida Specifier magazine for environmental professionals
Author: Roy Laughlin
Type: Magazine 
Date published: April/May 2019
Link: None.

Title of Article: A tiny self-navigating boat launched on Lake O will measure toxic algae levels
Company: GM-5
Author: Kimberly Miller
Type: Newspaper/online
Date published: 2/6/19

Title of Article: Algae-monitoring drone sailboat Vela launched in Lake Okeechobee by Harbor Branch
Company: TC Palm
Author: Tyler Treadway
Type: Newspaper/online
Date published: 2/5/19
Title of Article: Autonomous surface vehicle boat collects data on Lake O
Company: CBS 12 News
Author: Thomas Forester
Type: TV news/online
Date published: 2/5/19
Title of Article: FAU's Self-Driving Sailboat Will Monitor Algal Blooms In Lake Okeechobee
Company: WJCT
Author: Andrew Quinana
Type: Radio/online
Date published: 5/6/19

Title of Article: Protecting Paradise: New boat to track algae in Lake Okeechobee
Company: Fox 4
Author: Jon Shainman
Type: TV news/online
Date published: 2/5/19

Title of Article: Monitoring Algae in Lake O Using an Autonomous Sailboat
Company: WGCU News
Author: Mike Kiniry & Julie Glenn
Type: Radio Interview / Online
Date published: 2/25/19

Title of Article: Autonomous sailboat monitors algae in Lake Okeechobee
Company: The Palm Beach Post
Author: Allen Eyestone
Type: Newspaper / online
Date published: 2/6/19

Title of Article: Research indicates that sediment-derived iron may spur red tide outbreaks
Company: Florida Specifier magazine for environmental professionals
Author: Laughlin, R.
Type: Newspaper
Date published: 2017 (February)
Link: None.

Title of Article: Mote launches applications for Ocean Technology Club
Company: Bradenton Herald
Author: Delaney, M
Type: Newspaper
Date published: 06/21/16

Title of Article: Greenhouse gas can escape the deep ocean in surprising way
Company: Science Daily
Author: Rutger, H.
Type: Web
Date published: 01/18/2016
Title of Article: Interview with Jordon Beckler
Company: WSLR Stratosphere Science radio show
Author: Graddis, A
Type: Radio Interview
Date published: 12/16/2015
Link: expired (cannot locate)
Title of Article: For Mote, a new guy to tackle red tide
Company: Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Author: Staff Report
Type: Newspaper / online
Date published: 5/26/2015
Title of Article: Mote scientists awarded Sarasota Bay Estuary Program grants
Company: Longboat Key Observer
Author: Katie Johns
Type: Newspaper / online
Date published: 7/28/2016

Title of Article: Mote welcomes new scientist
Company: Longboat Key Observer
Author: Kristen Herold
Type: Newspaper / online
Date published: 5/12/2015
F.3 Media Events & Panels
Beckler, J.S. July 14th, 2020. PBS Changing Seas Virtual Screening Event. Virtual (invited panel member)
VII. Service

A. Professional Contributions
Journal Article Reviewer:
Nature Communications 2019
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2018
Applied Geochemistry 2018
Chemical Geology 2017
Marine Ecology Press Series 2017
Optics Express 2017
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 2016
Proposal Reviewer:
Gulf Research Program 2019
NSF Geobiology and Low Temperature Geochemistry 2020
NSF Chemical Oceanography 2019
Czech Science Foundation 2018
FAU HBOI Save Our Seas (prior to my HBOI employment) 2017
Panel Member:
EPA Harmful Algae Blooms once
NSF Chemical Oceanography once
Workshop Participant
U. Florida IFAS & FL Sea Grant Florida Harmful Algal Bloom State of the Sci. Sympos. 2019
NRCS Subaqueous Soil Survey southeastern region workshop 2019
IOOS ACT Harmful Algae Bloom Detection Technology Workshop 2017
Interagency Ocean Obs. Committee (IOOC) Underwater Glider User Group Workshop 2017
Conference/Session Organization
Session chair, “Intersections of Pedology and Sediment Geochemistry”, Goldschmidt conf. 2020
Steering Committee, Southeastern Biogeochemistry Symposium 2016, 2020
Session chair, “Phytoplankton Observation Technology”, ASLO Ocean Sciences meeting 2016
Co-organizer, 1st annual Southeastern Biogeochemistry Symposium 2014
Committees/Memberships and Related Meetings
Yentsch-Schindler Early Career Award Subcommittee Member, ASLO 2020-2023
National Academies Gulf Research Program Fellowship Collaborative Meeting 2017, 2018
Underwater Glider User Group (UG)2 Steering Committee 2017, 2018
GCOOS Glider Task Team 2017 - 2018
National Academies Gulf Research Program Fellowship Orientation 2016

B. Public and Community Service
Tour of Harbor Branch Facilities for NSF REU students 2018, 2019
Marine Science Day tour guide at Skidaway Oceanography Institute 2014
National Marine Science Bowl Judge 2019
Founder, Ocean Technology Club at Mote for high school teachers and students 2016
M.A.T.E. program ROV building workshops 2015
C. Institute Contributions

FAU Harbor Branch Space Committee 2020-
FAU Harbor Branch Personnel Committee 2020-
FAU Water Quality Analysis Core (member and participant) 2019-2020
Member, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Faculty Assembly 2018
Representative, Florida Atlantic University Faculty Senate (temporary) 2018

Internal Proposal Reviewer
Indian River Lagoon Symposium Fellowship 2018, 2019
FAU Office of Undergraduate Research (OURI Fellowship) 2018, 2019
FAU Renewable Energy NSF-REU mentor 2020
FAU Mentoring Project 2018
I-SENSE NSF-REU mentor 2019
Mentor for New College of Florida student tutorial 2016

VIII. Professional Growth and Development
A. Oceanographic Expeditions and Significant Field Work
Lake Okeechobee intensive field work (small boats, monthly) 2021
Northern Gulf of Mexico dead zone (R/V Savannah, 1 x 30 days) 2020
Gulf of Mexico Blueholes (R/V Eugenie Clark, 5 days in both Spring/Fall) 2020
Gulf of Mexico Blueholes (R/V Eugenie Clark, 5 days in both Spring/Fall) 2019
St. Lucie Estuary, FL (semiannual, for iron project) 2018 - 2019 
Central Indian River Lagoon, FL (monthly for seagrass sampling, small boat) 2018
Northern Gulf of Mexico (R/V Savannah, 20 day) 2017
Caloosahatchee Estuary (semiannually, for iron project) 2016 - 2019
Carolina Slope (R/V Savannah, 14 days) 2015
Altamaha River, GA, USA (R/V Savannah 7 days) 2014
Gulf of Mexico dead zone (R/V Cape Hatteras, 14 days) 2013 
Eastern Tropical North Pacific (R/V New Horizon, 17 days) 2012 - 2013
Congo River fan (N/O Porquoi-Pas with ROV Victor 6000, 33 days) 2011 - 2012
Carolina slope (R/V Savannah, 44 days, Chief Scientist for 5 days) 2010 - 2012
East Pacific Rise (R/V Atlantis, 23 days, 1 DSV ALVIN dive) 2008
Satilla River estuary, GA, USA (R/V Savannah, 71 days over ~10 cruises) 2006 - 2008

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